

Food Service Training Diploma program offers a combination of classroom instruction and hands-on training, which may be combined with an externship at a local restaurant or other food service site. Students apply their skills in the school's kitchens in a simulated restaurant situation practicing recipes and techniques and preparing dishes for classmates, 工作人员, 和客人. This culinary arts diploma prepares the student for entry-level employment in a wide variety of food service operations.

The 食物服务训练专业烹饪文凭 is a program that offers the student a well-rounded culinary 和烘焙 education that will allow them greater employment opportunities after graduation.

餐饮服务培训, Professional Baking Diploma is a program for the student who is highly dedicated to traditional (sweet) Pastry Arts, 它不提供美味烹饪技术或食谱方面的教育. Due to the highly specialized nature of this diploma, employment opportunities can be less ample. 出于这个原因, it is recommended that students who are new to the industry consider enrolling in the 食物服务训练专业烹饪文凭 program.



  • 入门课程fs -102食品服务行业的特点

    This course discusses the major historical influences on the food service industry, 餐厅的历史与演变, 主要影响人物, 目前的趋势, 以及就业机会.

  • fs - 103制备

    This course focuses on one of the most important parts of a culinary program - having the necessary ingredients at hand and in the appropriate state before beginning a dish. This course covers the basic techniques necessary to prepare a full repertoire of stocks, 汤, 经典和现代酱汁, 和主菜.

  • FS-104烹饪过程

    本课程着重于热传递的类型, 烹饪方法, 以及热量对各种食物的影响. 基本方法包括干热法和湿热法.

  • FS-105烹饪科学

    本课程着重于标准化食谱的组成部分, 如何分析菜谱, 测量和分量控制的重要方面, 转换食谱的程序.

  • FS-199实验室系列1



  • fs - 202股

    本课程介绍准备库存的常用程序, 原料:用于制作高汤的原料, 并解释了高汤在制作酱汁和汤中的作用.

  • fs - 203酱汁

    This course focuses on the procedures necessary to prepare a full repertoire of 经典和现代酱汁. 它们的用途,以及用酱汁来完成一道菜的原因.

  • fs - 204汤

    本课程讨论汤的分类, 制备方法, 增稠方法, 持有, 和服务.

  • FS-205肉、鱼、 & 家禽烹饪

    This course begins with the basics of type, grade, and cuts of these main dish items. Discussions include: roasting, baking, broiling, frying, boiling, sauté, and braising. 食谱,调味料和服务也包括在内.

  • FS-206蔬菜、大米、 & 面食烹饪

    讨论内容包括:实现蔬菜的适当熟度, 米饭和面食, 烹饪的一般规则和方法, 调味料, 和服务.

  • FS-207早餐烹饪

    本课程着重于早餐烹饪所需的特殊技巧. 涵盖的主题包括鸡蛋, 热麦片, 煎饼, 法式薄饼, 华夫饼, 和法式吐司, 烹饪, 持有, 分配, 完成服务.

  • FS-208食品储藏室烹饪 & Garde-manger

    This course covers the various responsibilities of the garde-manger and charcuterie kitchen areas and the types of items they produce, 在这个生产领域使用的基本技术.

  • FS-209素食烹饪

    This course focuses on the special techniques necessary for preparing vegetarian entrees and side dishes.

  • FS-299实验室系列2

    Laboratory practicum illustrating the topics covered in the second term classes.


  • FS-301酵母面团

    本课程比较不同的酵母产品, 论述了酵母面团的生产步骤, 混合, 发酵, 和烘焙.

  • FS-302速食和馅饼

    This course discusses the characteristics and production methods of quickbreads and pies. 包括饼干、松饼、面包蛋糕和甜甜圈.

  • fs - 303饼干

    本课程列出并描述了cookie的特征, 讨论准备基础和基本装饰技术.

  • fs - 304蛋糕

    本课程涵盖蛋糕混合方法, 蛋糕制作基础, 组装和结冰, 以及装饰技巧.

  • 蛋奶冻fs - 305 & 面霜

    这门课程包括制作蛋奶冻, 布丁, 巴伐利亚人, 摩丝, 意面给, 还有冷冻甜点.

  • FS-399实验室系列三



  • JP-100工作准备

    这门课程提供了对目标的研究, the importance of maintaining good relationships with fellow workers and supervisors, 工作习惯, 面试技巧, 评估信息, 以及决策过程.

  • LS-101人际交往技巧

    本课程提供对生活/工作习惯的研究, 沟通与冲突协商, 阅读, 和决策.

  • LS-102人际交往技巧2

    本课程学习语法和交际的基本规则, 写作, 基本数学,包括分数和百分比, 还有计算器的使用.

  • WE-100实习I(监督工作经验)

    This course is an externship at a local restaurant or other food service operation which gives the student the opportunity to put into practice what they have learned in class and to learn additional 烹饪 techniques.


  • FS-102食品服务业特征

    This course discusses the major historical influences on the food service industry, 餐厅的历史与演变, 主要影响人物, 目前的趋势, 以及就业机会.

  • fs - 103制备

    This course focuses on one the most important parts of a culinary program - having the necessary ingredients at hand and in the appropriate state before beginning a dish. This course covers the basic techniques necessary to prepare a full repertoire of stocks, 汤, 经典和现代酱汁, 和主菜.

  • FS-104烹饪过程

    本课程着重于热传递的类型, 烹饪方法, 以及热量对各种食物的影响. 基本方法包括干热法和湿热法.

  • FS-105烹饪科学

    本课程着重于标准化食谱的组成部分, 如何分析菜谱, 测量和分量控制的重要方面, 转换食谱的程序

  • FS-199实验室系列1



  • FS-301酵母面团

    本课程比较不同的酵母产品, 论述了酵母面团的生产步骤, 混合, 发酵, 和烘焙.

  • FS-302速食和馅饼

    This course discusses the characteristics and production methods of quickbreads and pies. 包括饼干、松饼、面包蛋糕和甜甜圈.

  • fs - 303饼干

    本课程列出并描述了cookie的特征, 讨论准备基础和基本装饰技术.

  • fs - 304蛋糕

    这门课程涵盖了混合蛋糕的方法, 蛋糕制作基础, 组装和结冰, 以及装饰技巧.

  • 蛋奶冻fs - 305 & 面霜

    这门课程包括制作蛋奶冻, 布丁, 巴伐利亚人, 摩丝, 意面给, 还有冷冻甜点.


  • 高级面包和卷(先决条件FS-301)

    Building on previous knowledge students learn to prepare artisan and ethnic breads; and breads using specialty grains.

  • 层叠和糕点面团(先决条件FS-302)

    本课程探讨Éclair Paste等产品, 蛋糕面团, 松饼, 牛角包和丹麦糕点.

  • FS-403饼干、馅饼、 & 弥漫性疾病(先决条件FS-303)

    以之前的烘焙和糕点课为基础, 学生将研究公式, 生产产品, 评估和计算结果.

  • FS-404糖果艺术 & 特殊场合蛋糕(先决条件FS-304)

    介绍展示品的准备和装饰, 次蛋糕, 季节性的蛋糕, 古典和现代的婚礼蛋糕. 涵盖的主题包括巧克力, 糖, and marzipan; finishing techniques using an air brush; use of molds and templates.

  • 高级蛋奶冻,慕斯和奶油(先决条件FS-305)

    以以前的课程为基础, 学生将研究公式, 制作蛋奶冻, 摩丝或奶油产品, 评估和计算结果.

  • FS-406甜点的电镀和展示(先决条件FS-401至405)

    ThisThis class explores presentation techniques used by pastry chefs when his or her creation is served and presented to guests. Students will learn to plate desserts with the care and attention needed to create a truly memorable presentation.

  • FS-499糕点实验室



  • JP-100工作准备

    这门课程提供了对目标的研究, the importance of maintaining good relationships with fellow workers and supervisors, 工作习惯, 面试技巧, 评估信息, 以及决策过程.

  • LS-101人际交往技巧

    本课程提供对生活/工作习惯的研究, 沟通与冲突协商, 阅读, 和决策.

  • LS-102人际交往技巧2

    本课程学习语法和交际的基本规则, 写作, 基本数学,包括分数和百分比, 还有计算器的使用.

  • WE-100实习I(监督工作经验)

    This course is an externship at a local restaurant or other food service operation which gives the student the opportunity to put into practice what they have learned in class and to learn additional 烹饪 techniques.

The 工作人员 and faculty seek to help the student develop positive self-images as well as marketable skills The faculty, 运用现代教育技术, 在实际工作环境中教授学生.


There are a great many things to learn about the culinary industry; but most of the skills needed are built on a foundation of good technique. JNA’s programs are designed to give students a strong foundation of techniques to develop their career path upon. Everything new or great in the culinary field begins with the base skills taught in our classes and reinforced in our hands-on labs.

  • 正确使用设备

  • 熟练的刀法

  • 将烹饪技巧运用到食物中


Students of JNA’s 烹饪艺术文凭 program are taught the how along with the why so they can develop their own recipes and be on the cutting-edge of the industry before long. Culinary training is not just about 阅读 a recipe and following instructions; it is about the exploration of varied and exotic ingredients. 无论是现代的真空烹调, 百年熟肉店, 或者有利可图的肉类加工, an understanding of the theories of quantity food production is an important aspect of the Food Service Training Diploma program at JNA.


  • 获得关于基础技术发展方向的第一手知识

  • 在课堂和实验中讨论行业和社会趋势

  • 利用先进的科学技术和设备

  • 平衡和对称在电镀技术中被教授

Students are given insight into the expertise needed to progress in the restaurant and hospitality management career path. 我们的教师拥有超过100年的综合经验, in a variety of culinary and hospitality positions around the Philadelphia region and the world. Our location in Philadelphia allows student the opportunity to explore a limitless variety of culinary/hospitality concepts. Through classroom demonstrations by innovative chefs and class field trips to restaurant and other hospitality locations students are given the opportunity to meet the movers and shakers of our industry.